About Us

The Social Services Home for Children and Adults in Medveďov was established in 1969 as the Institute for Youth Welfare. The Home provides year-round comprehensive care to handicapped women and girls with mental disabilities. Total capacity is 47 beds at Home, the capacity of the satellite facility called “Vila Viktória” (Villa Victoria) is 10 beds from the total capacity. Area of the Social Service Home consists of the main accommodation facility, where the catering operation is located as well. Other smaller facilities serve as and are designed to ensure the economic service, inventories storage, heating and social rehabilitation. 

In 2005 - within the project called "Transformation of the existing social services facilities” - was implemented the construction of a new building in the village rowhouse complex. The facility is in operation from 1st of February 2006 under the name "Villa Victoria" in which ideal conditions for an integrated life are created for the clients placed therein.


We do offer: complete year-round care.

We do provide: 

  1. help at dependency on assistance from another individual
  2. catering
  3. accommodation
  4. cleaning, ironing, washing and laundry and clothing maintenance
  5. nursing care
  6. personal management
  7. social services:
  • registration of applications to the Social Services Home
  • management of the social agenda
  • ensuring of social needs of our clients
  1. ergotherapy - occupational therapy, which is successfully implemented in the satellite facility Villa Victoria, where the clients, who are under supervision, do perform household chores, they can cultivate various kinds of vegetables and they care for flower beds, they perform various craft activities, such as glass painting and porcelain painting, carpet weaving, application of table napkin art, plaiting of baskets from Pedigo etc.
  2. therapy - music therapy, art therapy, psychomotor therapy.